Support and information for all who have been affected by Ectopic Pregnancy
Our Mission
Ectopic Pregnancy Ireland was set up by a group of women who have all been affected by one or more ectopic pregnancies.
We are a voluntary organisation who achieved charity status in March 2010. Our main aims are:
To raise awareness about ectopic pregnancy amongst the general public and health professionals
To provide information and support to those who have been affected by an ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
You may be reading this because you have recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy, or indeed are right in the middle of this very difficult experience.
Perhaps you want to support a family member or friend who is trying to deal with the reality of an ectopic pregnancy. Or maybe you are concerned that you are experiencing the symptoms of one.
An ectopic pregnancy is not only a physical condition; it affects our emotions on many levels. We cannot offer counselling, but can offer a listening ear, based on our own experiences.
In Memory
Your grief is your own…
But our candle is lit to share your loss.
These pottery tealight holders were made especially for Ectopic Pregnancy Ireland by O’Riain Pottery in Co Sligo. If you would like one as a way of remembering the little one you lost through ectopic pregnancy, please email us (info@ectopicireland.ie) and we will post one out to you.
While we do not have a set price for the tealight holders, we would appreciate a donation to keep supporting this service.
Contact Us
If you have been affected by an ectopic pregnancy and would like to talk to someone, you can call us on:
086 893 6992 (8 – 10 pm)
All of us have experienced one or more ectopic pregnancies ourselves, so we are there to listen and support you we are only a phone call away. All phone calls are treated with the strictest confidence. We are a voluntary organization and if we are not able to take your call straight away, please leave a message and rest assured, one of us will call you back as soon as possible. Please note that we can not give medical advice, so if you are worried about possible symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy or experience pain or bleeding, please contact your nearest hospital or GP.
If you prefer to email us please use the form below:
Alternatively, if you would like to leave a comment on our page feel free to sign our guestbook!